As the November 3rd election draws near, Americans are preparing for the chaotic end of one of the most intense campaign seasons in modern history. As this bitter fight between incumbent Republican President Donald Trump and former Vice President and Democrat Joe Biden comes to its end, many are left wondering about the future of America and what another four …
Category: Opinion
Racial Injustice: From Both a White and POC Perspective
Sometimes I overhear comments like… “I’m Asian, and I’m discriminated against, so is it my responsibility to fight for black lives?” Or “I’m white, but do I really need to acknowledge my white privilege? Is it even possible to use it for good?” Well, the short answer is yes. The long answer is hell yes. And then there’s me: half …
We Need Moral Leadership Now, But Don’t Expect it From Republicans
I often try to preach bipartisanship in politics, especially now that Americans are polarized alongside party lines more than ever. When I ran a local chapter of Massachusetts High School Democrats at my high school, I always opened up meetings to conservative Republican students to converse about current events. I want to understand my conservative peers. I’ve never liked to …
The Importance of Biden’s VP Pick
While the office of the vice presidency has often been mocked and ridiculed, the Vice Presidential pick can make or break Presidential campaigns. The Vice President allows the Presidential candidate to diversify his/her base of supporters. In essence, the Vice President is an extension of the Presidential candidate’s image. Most significantly though, the Vice President is a unique opportunity to …
An open letter to Asian-Americans during COVID-19: Opinion
SUNSET PARK, NY — Last Sunday night, surveillance footage captured a 39-year-old Asian woman being blitz-attacked with acid spray by an unknown perpetrator outside her Brooklyn home. She was left with second-degree chemical burns on her neck, back, shoulder, and face, the NYPD reports. I’ll admit, amongst the chaos and tragedy surrounding global health today, the first thing that comes …
It’s Time to Seriously Consider Worker Cooperatives
About the author: Kieran Adams is a student in Medford, MA. He is passionate about climate change, economic reform, education, and progressivism. Imagine living in a country where you have zero representation and are ignored daily. A country where those in power don’t listen to citizens and mass organization is required for any significant change. This supposed monarchical country sounds …
The case for Andrew Yang
In an age of political chaos and divisiveness, there’s a new man in town — a man who refers to himself as the “opposite of Donald Trump.” Andrew Yang, the young entrepreneur, champion of UBI, and leader of the Yang Gang, has proven himself to be a major player in the DNC primary election. Yang is a breath of fresh …
The case for Amy Klobuchar
A third-term Senator from Minnesota, Amy Klobuchar has run an intriguing campaign that has only recently gained major traction. Vying for the presidency, Klobuchar stands as a center-left candidate with clear solutions to issues that the American people care about, and someone who could pose a serious threat to President Trump. Taking pride in being able to “disagree without being …
The case for Pete Buttigieg
The 2020 election. With Democrats and Republicans gearing up for the primaries, a heated race between the remaining Democratic candidates is underway. One such candidate, South Bend’s former Mayor Pete Buttigieg, launched his campaign in April of 2019. A young, charming candidate that reflects Obama type optimism, Pete has shifted from someone voters didn’t take seriously to a frontrunner in …
The case for Elizabeth Warren
Senator Elizabeth Warren is undoubtedly the strongest candidate for President. Warren has a very strong track record of fighting for the common man, so she can be trusted when she promises to improve ordinary people’s lives if elected President. Having been the driving force behind the creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Warren has had a significant hand in …